Bucks Cup Champions 2017

Yesterday Sunday 10th September was the annual Bucks Cup Finals day which saw our Bletchley men travel to Iver Heath to take on a very strong Gerrards Cross team. The green looked good the weather was overcast with potential rain on the way but it looked like the spectators were in for one hell of a game.
Things started pretty slowly with rinks fairly even after 5 ends and Bletchley were 5 adrift. Gerrards pushed on especially on the Pops Taff and Mal game where the team of McGuinness Ross and McGuinness ran away to a 16-3 lead with a masterclass of leading by Tom McGuinness. Also on Dean Brookes rink along with Jamie Seymour and Mick Golder their 6-1 lead slipped to a 6-13 deficit at the half way stage. Things were not looking good as Bletchley trailed by 21 shots at 9 ends
A big effort was needed now to save the boys having an early bath and Labrum Clay and Smyth delivered with a magical 7 on the 10th end to give the team hope. Mal’s triple had also started to nibble back with a string of ends to get back to 13-19 at 13 ends. Mr Benson Westy and Savage were also keeping it tight on rink 1 against the triple skipped by Alan Price trailing by 4 at 13 ends. At the same point Brookes picked up 7 shots in 3 ends to draw level at 13 all. Things were on the up, Bletchley have reduced the score from 21 shots to 4 shots in just 5 ends!
Now we get to the nitty gritty part of the game, can we reduce the deficit even more? Can we get in front? The spectators were biting their nails and sat on the edges of their seats.
Gerry steadily increased his lead to 22-12. Dean won 3 more ends on the trot to leave them winning 17-14. Don trailed by 5 12-17 and Mal continued his comeback by picking up two 1s and a 5 to leave the scores tied at 20 all so at 17 ends Bletchley had taken the lead by 7 shots. Was this enough to take them over the line I hear you ask?
With the Buck Cup hanging in the balance the GX boys were not giving in and the Price triple picked up a 2 to finish up winning 19-12. Dean was holding 1 shot with one bowl to come but Briden managed to hit a short GX bowl into the head through a small gap and in for shot so Dean and his team won 17-15. Could Mal’s triple complete the come back to sneak the win? Well the Bletchley guys had built up a really good head to hold 1 shot. McGuinness snr didn’t have much choice but to fire with his last bowl to shuffle the head and see what happened. He got it perfect and the jack flew off the rink. When they replayed the end things didn’t go as well after the Gerrards 2 Dave Ross trailed the jack to the edge of the ditch to leave them holding 3 Mal tried his hardest to play the Bletchley bowl up to reduce the count but only turned it once, McGuinness added another to pick up 4 shots to win 24-20.
The scores were tied 71 all with just 1 rink left on the green. Dave Labrum and Dave Clay started the end well holding 3 shots on a fairly short jack. George Reid ran at the head with deadly accuracy and the jack flew in to the ditch Bletchley still held 1 but it was 3 or 4 yards away (that wasn’t going to win the end) Clay then stepped up on to the mat fresh after winning the Uxbridge pairs that morning and drew within 2 foot of the ditch to hold a potential match winner. Kirk pulled up short with his first Gerry tried to get another close second but fell in the ditch. With Kirks second he looked good he slipped around Dave’s bowl and looked to have bowled a “heartbreaker” but was 1 roll to heavy and just dropped into the ditch. Gerry added another. So it was all on Kirks last bowl Iver Heath fell silent!! What was going to happen? Fortunately for Bletchley he didn’t have enough pace and just fell short leaving The Town the 1 shot they needed to take the victory and be crowned county champions for 2017.
Bletchley would like thank their hosts Iver Heath and their opponents Gerrards Cross for wonderful game and taking the defeat as gentlemen, like the true champions they are. We would also like to wish them all the best next Saturday in the Top Club at Leamington fingers crossed we can have more national champions in Bucks this year.
Thanks to all out supporters for coming over to support the team and our 2 reserves Rob McConnell and Tony Fleming for coming and giving encouragement throughout