Two Wood Singles
The 2 wood singles day was held at the club yesterday (Sunday 12th August) the numbers were low maybe because the overcast weather and threat of rain. The rain held off and the competition took place.
In the ladies competition Donna Brookes defeated Sue Brookes in the final to clinch the title for the 4th time (2007, 2013, 2015 and 2018)

Donna Brookes
Ladies 2 Wood Singles Champion 2018
In the men’s competition Rhys Lee defeated Malcolm Drage 16-7 in the final to lift the trophy for the 1st time.

Rhys Lee
Men's 2 Wood Singles Champion 2018

Sue Brookes, Donna Brookes Rhys Lee and Malcolm Drage
2 wood singles finalists 2018
Everyone that played enjoyed their day a special thanks to Malcolm for arranging the day and to all the people that stayed around to mark after they had played.