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Events Update

This is to remind you that there will be a party for all the children on Sunday 16th December from 3.30pm to 5.30pm in the Club. Tickets cost just £1 per child, which will pay towards the food. There will be party games, competitions, party food and of course a visit by the great man himself, Father Christmas. We are asking adults to bring along a present for the children, with a rough price guide of £5. Simply buy the present, wrap it up, and write your child’s name clearly on a label. On the day, you can drop the present off in the committee room, and at about 5pm Santa will distribute the presents to the children. This is open to children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, cousins, etc etc of Club Members. All you have to do is put your name down on the notice in the Club, and turn up on the day with the presents. If you’re not going to the Club beforehand, email me, and I will do it for you. Please make sure you put your name down if you are coming so that we know how any to cater for. If any of the children have allergies, please let us know beforehand.

The Christmas Draw will be taking place on the 16th too at lunchtime, so if you bought any squares, you may be in luck.

Also, a reminder that on Monday 31st December, we are having a New Years Eve party at the club, from 8 till late. As well as the bar and disco, there will be a buffet too. So why not come along and celebrate the new year with us. Tickets are just £5 per head, to cover costs, and are available from behind the bar, or from Pete Benson or myself. Numbers are limited to 80 people, so get in quick to avoid disappointment. Please note that there is a minimum age limit of 12 years for this event. We will be looking for volunteers to assist behind the bar, so if you can spare an hour to help, it would be greatly appreciated.

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