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Chairman's Update

I recently wrote regarding the Club’s AGM which was scheduled for Sunday 15th November. As you will be aware from the Prime Minister’s briefing on Saturday, there is now a lockdown from this Thursday through until at least the beginning of December. This means that all activity at the Club will be cancelled from Thursday until further notice.

Having taken advice from Bowls England, and in line with their requirements, our AGM has now been rescheduled to a provisional date of Sunday 13th December 2020 from 12 noon in the clubhouse. In the event that the lockdown is extended, or there are any restrictions put in place, I will email you again to let you know what is happening.

For those of you who are bingo enthusiasts (like myself), it is hoped that these sessions will recommence on the first Saturday evening after the lockdown is lifted, again subject to any restrictions which may prevent that.

Similarly the Friday evening and Sunday lunchtime sessions will recommence as soon as possible after the lockdown.

Many thanks.

Paul Stewart



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