Changes to Bar Times and Arrangements

The committee have decided to make further changes to the bar to help out members as it has proven our existing covid-19 changes seem to be working.
Saturday evening bar opening - the Saturday lunch time service will stop and switch to evenings.
Extended opening times - The opening times of 7 to 10pm Fri/Sat will be allowed to continue to 11pm providing the person volunteering to do the bar has signed up on the rota to do the extra hour (the rota volunteer form on the website will ask what hours they are willing to do). The extra hour also applies to Sunday which will be 1pm to 4pm or extended to 5pm if the bar person has agreed to do it.
In all cases last orders are 15 minutes before the bar close time and the club bar empties by 15 minutes past the close time. Games on the green i.e. on Sundays can continue as this applies to the bar and club room only
Management Committee