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Presidents Day 2023

Yesterday afternoon saw teams from Wolverton Town, Chandos Park, Waddesdon, Bletchley St Martins and Woburn Sands all descend on Bletchley Town for our Clubs Presidents Day hosted by David Labrum.

It was always going to be hard to match or improve on the success of last year's event, but Dave pulled out all the stops once again and made it a very enjoyable day for everybody.

The start of the game was slightly interrupted as we had a flyover from the Lancaster Bomber (not sure if President Dave organised this!)

After a good and fun afternoon of bowls the Presidents team came out on top with a 98-78 victory.

The highest and only winning rink for Bletchley come from John Felton, Ruth Drage and Dean Brookes, with the team from Bletchley St Martins consisting of Michelle Herbert, Alison Varty and Monica Maughan taking the spoils for the Presidents team.

The game was followed by a nice meal all provided and prepared by President Daves family.

In the evening we had the Buckingham Ukelele Group come to perform for us, which once again proved very popular and was a great way to round off a great day.

A big thank you to Kevin, Gerry and Nathan for doing the bar all afternoon and evening and to Ingrid for controlling the raffle tickets.

So far Dave has already raised over £2,000 for his chosen charity Willen Hospice.

A big thank you from all the members to you Dave for the job you have done once again this year as the President of our club.


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