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Club Competitions 2021

All those who entered for the proper competitions in 2020 and paid are attached - please confirm if all are still okay to Malcolm Davey by email or by text 07736539201.

If you wish to change arrangements, please fill out a completely new competition form (attached) and we will reconcile it and take payments/arrange refunds as appropriate.

Other entrants for 2021 who did not ask to play in 2020, please fill in a competition form and post it in the club internal or external post box for the attention of Malcolm Davey with your fees.

2-wood singles, triples and rinks competitions will be separate and can be entered up to the date they commence and a list will go on the wall when appropriate for entries.

For those needing a printed form or cannot open attachments, the club house internal competitions board has the table and new forms from 19th April when we open.

Entries in by 12th May please and the draws will take place on Friday 14th May led by Rhys Lee.


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