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Club Triples 2017 Results

Yesterday was the final event of the 2017 bowls season at Bletchley Town and it was the annual club triples day.

On a gorgeous sunny day 18 members turned up to battle it out to become club triples champions for 2017.

We had 6 team who would all play each other over 7 ends in a league format with 2 points for a win and 1 point for a draw.

The eventual winners were Graham Line John Irving and Dean Brookes who went through the day unbeaten so congratulations to them.

On the day and over the week end President Peter Benson was selling raffle tickets for his charity, that along with the money collected for the spider we raised over £100

Congratulations to Cheryl Auburn for winning the spider

President Peter, thanked everyone for turning up, thanked Rhys for running the triples day, thanked everyone for donating prizes for the raffle and presented Graham John and Dean with the club triples trophy


Pictures of the day

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